Reveal-Dx Technology Animation
This project was a collaboration with Reveal-Dx, a Seattle-based company that is pioneering the development of new AI-based tools for analysis of lung nodules. Reveal-Dx needed an animation that would convey the abstract concept of computational analysis of nodules that would speak to medical professionals. The full video is available on the Reveal-Dx website:
The Problem.
AI-driven analysis of CT scans of lung nodules is an abstract concept. We needed a way to convey the essential underlying idea without diving too deep into the mathematical weeds. I worked with the team at Reveal-Dx to extract the most important features of their technology that they wanted to convey--the most important message that would speak to their target audience.
The Solution.
The team at Reveal-Dx favored a slightly metaphorical approach: Representing the computational technology as a little robot car that can dive into the CT scans of the lung nodules and isolate new features that were hidden from conventional methods. I put together an initial storyboard to establish the overall flow and to begin to crystallize the design.
Design Iterations.
Reveal-Dx enjoyed the overall design from the initial storyboard, but they felt that the robot design did not look enough like a medical device. I put together several variations on the design, focusing on a clean, bright design. After consulting with their team on some of the design variations, we settled on a final design. We moved forward with an initial draft of the full motion animation, and after a few rounds of iterating on the timing and design arrived at the final deliverable.
Closer Looks.
Every shot and design was created with the intent of clearly communicating the technical innovation and benefits of Reveal-DX's technology. Take a loot at a few of the specific shots below.